There was a lot of good work on this show, and most things did, in fact, make sense in following story lines and advancing feuds. Up until the main event, I was very happy with the way this PPV was turning out, almost to the point where I would have considered it one of the top PPV events I have seen this year from one of the big two (okay, well the big one and the little one). But the main event happened, something I want to go over just so others who may have not seen this show can understand exactly where I am coming from.
John Cena overcame all of the following to win his match with The Miz. Because an I quit match is no DQ, Alex Riley was involved from the beginning and this became a two on one handicap match. Apparently, that is no problem for Jesus H. Cena. He was hit with the following objects - the ring steps, a steel briefcase multiple times, multiple Singapore cane shots while being held in a crucifix style position, multiple chair shots, he was whipped with a belt multiple times while being held in place over one of the pieces of lighting equipment, thrown into the uncovered barricade, placed in the barricade where he was supposedly stuck and hit with another chair shot. I am sure I may have missed a thing or two, but the point has been made. Through all of this, he got in very, very little offense and the match was completely one sided. And he would never say I quit. This is beyond any realm of rhyme or reason that I can comprehend, but the ending became almost TNA level horrible. The Miz and Riley had tape recorded Cena saying I quit on an earlier Raw, and used it in the microphone for the supposed win. Of course, Mike Chioda (the referee) finds this tape of Cena after declaring Miz the winner and orders the match to restart. Riley misses with a belt shot and hits Miz, then Cena lays out Riley. Next, he begins whipping Miz with his own belt and Miz tries to run away. He gets caught on top of the ramp, whipped a few more times, then gets put into the STF. Not even five seconds later, he is uttering the words I quit to Chioda. I am a fan of the classic cartoons featuring Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner, and I still think that this match was more absurd than any cartoon those two were ever in together. If you have seen those cartoons yourself, you know exactly what I am talking about.
To say I am angry would not do how I feel justice. I have been a professional wrestling fan for close to 30 years, and a writer for 10. I have seen numerous things in my day that have angered me - be it story line irregularities or just nonsensical booking (see David Arquette WCW Title win). I was recently reading the current issue of Figure Four Weekly, a publication put out by Bryan Alvarez located at:

In this issue Bryan tells a story about some of his wrestling matches and one of his trainers, Buddy Wayne. Now, when Bryan went to Buddy with a match layout that didn't make sense, Buddy would tell him, "Now why the fuck would you want to do that?" A simple directive that meant what he was proposing made no sense at all. The WWE has a full time staff of writers, many of the top stars in the business, and their own World Champion involved in creating this match, and, sadly, at no time during the preparation of this encounter did anyone say now why the fuck would you want to do that? People saw this and said it was good? I have a very hard time trying to believe that, but it must be true, because that is exactly what happened. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new lord and messiah, and his name is John Cena. It's sad that TNA as a company is so completely inept, because I have never seen a time where the WWE was in as vulnerable a position as they are now to face competition. If there was a professional wrestling company that knew what they were doing, WWE stock would drop faster than Enron's. This may be the worst period ever in the history of professional wrestling, and that does cover a lot of ground. But it may also be the truth when we look back historically at this period of time.
Michael Barton
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