Wednesday, December 21, 2011
10 Questions with Michael Barton
Well, who's first? I'll be sharing this everywhere - dont need your name - just two initials even if not real - and you share this as well. People want to know what really goes on in professional wrestling? Talk to me here - I ONLY PROVIDE THE TRUTH~!
Monday, October 10, 2011
10/10/11 3:52 A.M. - The Evolve Process Begins
I am an intelligent person who has often made bad decisions. But I don't need to make bad decisions or have my feelings validated by anyone anymore. So I was going to quote a song, but it's 2011 and I really don't need to do that, do I?
More to come in the following days, weeks and months. When and where I have no idea, because all I have is this moment to live in, but I assure you things of quite a different nature are going to be written about and discussed here - important things that not only affect us living in the here and now, but the future generations we are all too eager to bring into this world at an alarming rate.
Thanks for taking a moment to check this out - it really does mean a lot to me. I feel like my entire universe is being thrown upside down on one hand, but I will still write about wrestling, too - just not all the time. I cannot really dedicate that much time to wrestling anymore - she is a drug like any other - and it may be hard to quit but it can be done. And it needs to be done, not only for me, not only for you, but for people who aren't even being considered yet, if that makes sense.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Time Is Time And Doesn't Flucuate
@C 2011 10/6
I loved you like no other but times make it changed
Used to be my lover now as friends its rearranged
But I'm coll with this deal as long as you are happy
Doesn't matter what I feel nothing matters but the future
And as yours is variable mine is structured
2 plus years left of school until I can begin to9 change the world
One sad child at a time
do my best to make them happy once again
perhaps even innocent
And you are a healer as well
but in the physical sense
So we're on the same page now
we're just best friends now
and I am totally cool with that
respect to you and yours
and a toast to figuring it all out
I'm sitting on the sidelines like a 2nd string quarterback
Just waiting for that change
To come into the game by some sort of karmac faith
And take this to a place no one could ever believe
Ryan keeps the faith for this
And I sit quietly and live and breathe
Something only you and I understand
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Running With The Book - Michael Barton's Wrestling Storyline Ideas~!
I understand that they finally heard our voices and knew that things needed to change. But the major problem is this - instead of looking at wrestlings past for an angle that draws money, they think the issues need to be complex and odd. A Vote of Confidence? This makes the worst of Russo's gimmicks look decent to even, dare I say, good! The problem with it? Okay, ill write it out for you.....this one time.
Professional Wrestling Angle
Miz and R-Truth do the beatdown angle on Sunday HIAC PPV
Monday Night Raw starts with Trile H talking and "His Microphone Shuts Off" !!! He loses it, and on the tron are Miz and Truth, in what they wore Sunday Night, telling him there is a hostile takeover about to happen, and they will not be responsible for any innocent victims....
Next segment is, amazingly, a match between Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger. Bourne wins by submission, and goes heel on the ref after the match....(Bourne, sick of the size matters deal, joins Miz and Truth in this Hostile Takeover.)
Next out is....Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Steen!!!...Kill Steen Kill and Nigel are here for retribution for WWE raiding ROH's talent roster.....Cary Silkin appears, and is highly concerned about his workers behavior....Impromptu Match - Nigel McGuinness destroys Jerry Lawler, saying he is taking his rightful spot.(Nigel is the new third man on commentary now for raw, replacing josh mathews....Nigel is also Team Takeover, and plays the evil heel announcer role....)
Triple H comes out and says to the crowd...."Due to these random attacks and strikes - not at our workers" but really at the fans. One man, 37M, was hit with enough shrapnel that his dental records were needed to identify the victim....
WWE Goes on a one week hiatus.....The Show that is not live is a taped show with everyone discussing their feelings with us one on one.....Some very interesting candor between The Rock and John Cena, especially about The Rock's marital status and other private things!!!!
End Part One
"Part Two with Finale up next!"
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Problem with America Today
What are you going to do when your debt is worth more money than you have ever seen, much less knew existed?
Friday, August 26, 2011
2011 Panini Threads Box Break and Review
by Michael Barton (aka MonticelloCards on Sports Card Forum)
Welcome to my first of what I hope to be many reviews in the sports card and collectibles marketplace. This morning I was delivered a box of 2011 Panini Threads Football, and this item did not disappoint in the slightest. Panini ( - since purchasing Donruss - has become a leader in the sports card marketplace, and this is another product that delivers a touchdown.
Base Cards
The base set design is breathtaking! The horizontal full photo on the card front certainly makes each card feel like you have just personally taken a photograph at the game. The card backs employ the same photo with last year's stats as well as career stats and other pertinent information.
Regular Rookie Cards
There is one rookie in every pack, something that I personally feel needs to happen in every product in this day and age. There is a nice mixture of draft picks as well. One of my big problems in the past was a product like Leaf Rookies & Stars, which would deliver one rookie card per pack with all late round picks. Plus, I am a big fan of the defensive player, so to pull base rookies of 1st Round Picks like Jimmy Smith, Cameron Jordan and Aldon Smith made me very happy.
Rookie Autograph Letter Patches
The staple of Threads, I was lucky enough to pull a Stevan Ridley "L". I have loved this concept since it first debuted on the scene a number of years ago, so to pull an autographed rookie card made my day.
I pulled three memorabilia cards - A Chris Johnson "Franchise Fabrics", an Antonio Gates base card 2 color patch parallel, and a dual jersey card of Christian Ponder and Kyle Rudolph dual rookie jersey card.
Four parallels were found in my box, two of which were rookie parallels. The holographic finish is easy to denote compared to it's basic counterpart.
Gridiron Kings returns as an insert with multi tiered levels. I pulled a Steve Smith framed parallel numbered to only 25, which was sweet. The other insert sets provide any collector with a smile, as there is a perfect mixture of yesterday's legends, today's stars and tomorrow's future stars!
Not a double to be found in the box, something that is a gigantic pet peeve of mine typically.
It comes down to this - if you want a fun box that provides great value at a mid-range price per pack, Threads is something that will make you happy from the first pack to the 24th.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Let The Games Begin?
So, minding my own business this Thursday night as usual (; and awaiting another stellar edition of TNA Impact Wrestling, and....oh, hating on the damn Yankee lovers out there. Oh, you didn't know? Yes, I have only lived in NY and PA my entire life, yet I am a Chicago Whie Sox fan! While not digressing on that fact for now, allow me to continue. Ms. Allison Balough Fierro - you know her, right - Ms. B List celebrity? Yeah, you heard me, Tommy? Suspended from Team Alli? SUSPENDED? Okay, seriously - enough is enough, and it's time for a change. I have jumped ship and created my own team, simply known as Jumping Smash Brothers, Esquire - an WE ARE TAKING OVER! Be prepared for battle~
See, what it comes down to is this - in my heart of hearts, and the bottom of my belly, and at the core of my soul is a fundamental difference between being a New York Yankees fan and NOT being a New York Yankees fan. So I shared my thoughts (a simple BOO was all that was necessary to the overpaid fans. YES EVEN THEIR FANS ARE OVERPAID~) I hate Yankees fans. Can't stand the lot of 'em. They make me feel ill, cold to the touch, like I am stuck in a room with a bunch of people from "Joisey"....oh, that's right - Allison lives in New Jersey, land of the swamps. The only good thing to come out of Jersey is the amount of gas people who are from New York take from these fools. I mean, seriously....(TO BE CONTINUED)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Matt Hardy - On The Brink
On The Brink - Explaining What Matt Hardy Said
By Michael Barton
"When the side windows glass smashed into my face, arms and neck, some of the blood that did felt almost angelic. I went from being afraid to die to feeling like I was almost being reborn with some sort of an ABSOLUTE PURE LIFE-FORCE. It was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. I felt like I'd just received the blood of an angel flowing inside me--I know this sounds crazy! Due to these, I only have urges to help people. And miraculously, all my vices are gone."
- Matt Hardy, when discussing his car accident from Saturday.
This is one of the more difficult columns I have ever tried to write, mainly because this issue is one that is very close to my heart. For many of those who do not know, I am in recovery. Some days are good, some days are bad, but I do my best every day to fight the urge to use something to escape from reality. To many in the world, even Dave, this paragraph written by Hardy makes no sense. To myself and millions of others who struggle with the issues related to addiction, this is a phenomenon that is often referred to as a “spiritual awakening.”
Being an active addict results in three basic things eventually happening to all of us – jails, institutions, and death. If an addict is lucky, it is one of the first two, although many times lives are lost to drinking or drugs long before they should be. Look at how many wrestlers have died before the age of 50! I think there is a phrase that should be changed in our culture, the one about people partying like rock stars. I think rock stars should be replaced with wrestlers for drinking and drug use is prevalent within the business. There are stories that I could share but choose not to, because the purpose of my article today is not to put myself over. It is to simply try and explain how hard this fight is on a daily basis.
I have well over two years clean and sober, something that, today, I am very proud of. To those who do not suffer from any issues related to addiction, having a drink or smoking a joint is a one and done thing. They wake up and function normally the next day without any desire to escape again. For me, another saying comes to mind - one is too many and a thousand not enough. I am only 35, which is still fairly young, but my body is already dealing with the issues of living a reckless lifestyle. I have been inside the jails and institutions, longer than anyone wants to. Thankfully, the man upstairs has given me an opportunity to continue on, and today I do my best to help others through my own experience. So when I saw this post from Matt that makes sense to few, I understood it completely.
Two plus years ago, I attempted to take my own life. I was just so tired of the lying, the deceit, the stealing to get high, moving from place to place and job to job and not caring about the consequences of my actions. When I woke up in a hospital bed close to two days later, I felt different. People say that when you wake up from a suicide attempt, you feel one of two ways - you’re either upset that you didn’t succeed or you are thankful that you are still here. I was lucky in that I woke up feeling the latter. I understand the change that went on within Matt Hardy in that car. It doesn’t mean that he is cured for the rest of his life, but it does mean that he has finally seen that there is a different way. For Matt I sincerely hope that this will be the catalyst that causes change within his life. He seems like a good guy. He appreciates his fans. And if he works hard at understanding addiction and what it means to be an addict, he has a chance to change not only his own life, but possibly others as well. One day at a time, Matt – one day at a time.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Improper Terminology - "Greatest Ever"
by Michael Barton
You do not need to be a cyber-metrics genius to figure this out. You only need to think a little outside of the box. In baseball, the greatest is Jackie Robinson (stop all the Ruth talk). His greatness cannot be measured in statistical fashion. Here is a man who changed the course of history through his accomplishments. In basketball, there is a man who has changed the way the game is played. That man was Chamberlain. In basketball, there is a man who seemingly couldn't lose. That man is Russell. But there is only one man who was so far ahead of his time that no one really knew what they were supposed to do. And that man was Pete Maravich.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Can Kurt Angle Save TNA?
by Michael Barton
Okay - this is an out there, albeit interesting thought that came to me this morning. And it is now the title of my blog. Let's look a little deeper and you will see where I am going with this.
It appears, based on Kurt Angle's appearance last night at TNA's Hardcore Justice, that he is a man on a mission. He is world champion again. He put on another tremendous match. But I am not here to discuss all of that today. Instead, look at his body. Kurt Angle is getting in wrestling shape alright - and he is getting ready to make an attempt at becoming an Olympian again, and perhaps, with a little bit of luck, win another Gold Medal in Freestyle Wrestling. But save TNA? How can one man accomplish such an impossible task?
This is not something you need a master's degree to figure out. The Olympics are on, and Kurt Angle is wrestling in the semi-finals. The Olympics draw more eyes than any other special type sporting event. Angle wins his match on points, and in his post match interview he begins talking about professional wrestling, or more specifically, TNA. His Olympic run is blended in and focused on, of course, but maybe he gets a moment to talk about them. I mean, that's all that is really needed to get something over in life thanks to the advent of social media. Next thing you know, both TNA and Kurt Angle are trending topics on twitter on the night that will shatter records.
Things improve - Russo is fired and Bischoff and Hogan have long since been gone, but the athletes that live and breathe this business remain. Dixie Carter is seen attending college to obtain a degree in business so she knows what she is doing now. Tony Schiavone returns and Tenay becomes the Play-by-Play voice while Tony focuses on playing a Hennanesque role. But the real coup has yet to be written about....
CM Punk finds a loophole in his WWE contract, realizes that his megaphone is a lot louder than he thought, and quits. TNA makes a handshake agreement with him, as he legally cannot be signed to a contract. But he can most certainly legally buy a ticket and just happen to sit front row every show. And to top it all....wait a minute....
Shit, I just woke up and realized that I haven't written my blog yet. What should I write about today? And why is Kurt Angle in my kitchen drinking my milk?
Have a great one.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Pulling off the Seemingly Impossible
- Ric Flair
One of my favorite quotes of all time, and it fits the topic I would like to discuss today. That topic is C.M. Punk - for one - who did more in five minutes with a microphone than John Cena has his whole career. But the credit has to really go to another man, that being Vince McMahon.
There was a lot of confusion a few weeks back when C.M. Punk - at the end of yet another very lackluster Monday Night Raw, ripped apart everything that most of us do on a weekly basis. He spoke the truth about many topics, including Vince having a number of yes men on the WWE payroll. Many (myself incliuded) thought it might have been a worked shoot that turned into a real one, and that is exactly what Vince wanted everyone to think. Cutting off the microphone and going to black was the perfect way to get the entire world talking about professional wrestling late Monday night, and it has since been an almost daily discussion on message boards across the internet. There are still those out there who think that it was real and that Vince is only now using it to his advantage. Don't be mistaken - this is an angle, and it is an intelligent one at that. And Vince is the one who made this happen.
Nothing takes place on any WWE show without approval from the creative team. They write the show, period. But - in this particular case - Vince clearly put this together. What is even more amazing is that, with all of the ways we gather information in this day and age, there are only a small handful of people who know what is going to happen Sunday at the Money in the Bank PPV - Vince, Punk, and Cena being the key three. No one is saying a word about what may or may not take place. The typical sources of information are people who work in the WWE, and these sources always have to be anonymous so as not to get fired from the company. This time, however, they have nothing to pass along, and you can bet your bottom dollar they have been asked. Again, you can connect that fact to Vince McMahon. Vince knows how the news filters to the newsletters, so he played this very close to the vest. And it has turned into the most talked about angle in some time.
Many columnists are solely praising C.M. Punk, and I don't want anyone to think that I feel he does not deserve it. In order to make this work, he had to come across as completely authentic, and he has. In doing so, he has become the hottest commodity in the business. But he said it best when he said he was just "a cog in the wheel." John Cena has also done a fantastic job here, to the point where many are questioning what happens next with him. There is a possibility he turns heel, although highly unlikely due to the dollars he generates through merchandise sales, but they could add a new dimension to his character and give him more of an edge. And while I have criticized Vince McMahon countless times over the past few years for dropping the ball on angles that could have turned into long term programs within the company, he has finally seen for himself that the fans want a little more than PG. The company is not heading back to the attitude era, but Raw has certainly become more of a PG-13 type product recently. And if you understand the business, at this time it is probably the best choice to generate the most money short term, without losing sponsorships or advertising dollars in the process.
Around 11 p.m. Sunday night, the wrestling community will be abuzz with what went down at the PPV. I know I will be watching intently, and when you can get an older fan who has seen it all such as myself eagerly anticipating a show, you have succeeded. So kudos to C.M. Punk, but also to John Cena and Vince McMahon. They have pulled something off here that many though impossible in today's world of social networking. As Jim Ross used to always say, "Business is about to pick up."
To contact me, I can be reached via email at or find me on twitter at
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Why Every Wrestling Fan Should Be Watching Destination X This Evening
by Michael Barton
I will be doing a post show podcast located here if you are interested in listening to my thoughts after the show:
Tonight, wrestling is going to matter at TNA's Destination X PPV. The current card lineup looks like this -
Douglas Williams vs. TBA
This is an open challenge match, and it's always interesting when the opponent is a mystery. Who could it be? I am hoping it is someone new who will debut tonight, but we will have to wait and see. Williams is a very reliable worker, and will have a good match with whoever it may be.
Alex Shelley vs. Robbie E vs. Shannon Moore vs. Amazing Red
Ultimate X match to determine the number one contender for the X-Division Title.
Ultimate X always provides highlights no matter who is involved, and tonight we have four very capable performers who are certain to put on an amazing display. Give it enough time and it could be the a match that gets talked about.
Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion vs. Low Ki vs. Jack Evans
Winner gets a contract with Impact Wrestling
Okay, the only issue I have here is that, if TNA is smart about it, they will find a way to hire all four of these amazing and diverse competitors. This is going to be the match of the night. Again, give it enough time (and they usually do on PPV), and this has the potential to be a four star plus match. I am sure there will be a number of unique spots during this match.
Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn
For those that were not around during their feud, RVD and Jerry Lynn tore houses down across the country for ECW in the 1990's, and while most guys come out at Lynn's age and can't go like they used to, Lynn still has all of the attributes he did in the 1990's. This will be another good to great match.
Samoa Joe vs. Kazarian
Notice a pattern yet? Every match has the potential to be something special. TNA typically has a few throw away matches on PPV, but this one doesn't have any. Joe is on a serious losing streak, and this one could truly go either way.
Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles
I expect a heel turn by Daniels here in some form or fashion. Another high quality match and these two flow together very well in the ring.
Abyss vs. Bryan Kendrick
X-Division Title Match
This looks like it may not be very good, but I have gotten into the Kendrick looney character. And Abyss is a credible worker. This could be very good, or it could be average. Regardless, if this is the only match that is below the 3 star range, that's fine.
Look at the names involved here. Tonight is not a typical TNA PPV. Most matches have the potential to be 4 star range, and anyone who watches this show is certainly going to be entertained for three solid hours. You will see incredible in ring action here, and if they keep all of the nonsense and screwjobs out of this, this is the show people will be talking about all day Monday.
Take Care and God Bless,
Saturday, July 9, 2011
It took them a decade, but Impact Wrestling put on a fantastic show this past Thursday night. Were there issues? Always, but they are very minor. I also strongly suggest that you get Destination X PPV. This is going to be one to remember.
Kurt Angle is actually serious about this Olympic tryout. The minute he gets on the mat with an oppenent, he is finished. Plus, can he pass a wellness test? I am not saying he is doing anything, but his body at this age is suspect.
A lot of people are tiring of Joker Sting. I am not one of them however. They needed something to spark the main events. It certainly is a much better idea than anything in the last year.
The reason Jarrett is in Mexico is because of an agreement between AAA and TNA. Smart move as Jarrett is champion down there, and this cross promotion could lead to an eventual invasion angle, which would help both companies make a heck of a lot more money than they are now. Our wrestling in the states has production issues. Sadly, Mexico has issues with drug dealers shooting people at random, and people are scared to go anywhere, including a visit to a wrestling show. Mexico's fan numbers are down a few thousand, which is really significant considering the amount of money it takes to run a promotion without losing money.
Jeff Hardy - case continued. Unbelieveable.
Something happened with Matt Hardy, but so far it has been kept kayfabe by the boys. He wasn't even at the last set of TNA tapings. Maybe Spike saw the brothers moronic in the diner gone from reality. I actually like what he's done so far, he brought his working shoes with him, but he needs to get his head right, just like his brother.
Ken Anderson joins Immortal. Crickets can be heard. His promo abilities are amazing, but he's wooden in the ring.
That's all for now. Check me out at twitter:
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Over The Limit AKA John Cena is God Thoughts
There was a lot of good work on this show, and most things did, in fact, make sense in following story lines and advancing feuds. Up until the main event, I was very happy with the way this PPV was turning out, almost to the point where I would have considered it one of the top PPV events I have seen this year from one of the big two (okay, well the big one and the little one). But the main event happened, something I want to go over just so others who may have not seen this show can understand exactly where I am coming from.
John Cena overcame all of the following to win his match with The Miz. Because an I quit match is no DQ, Alex Riley was involved from the beginning and this became a two on one handicap match. Apparently, that is no problem for Jesus H. Cena. He was hit with the following objects - the ring steps, a steel briefcase multiple times, multiple Singapore cane shots while being held in a crucifix style position, multiple chair shots, he was whipped with a belt multiple times while being held in place over one of the pieces of lighting equipment, thrown into the uncovered barricade, placed in the barricade where he was supposedly stuck and hit with another chair shot. I am sure I may have missed a thing or two, but the point has been made. Through all of this, he got in very, very little offense and the match was completely one sided. And he would never say I quit. This is beyond any realm of rhyme or reason that I can comprehend, but the ending became almost TNA level horrible. The Miz and Riley had tape recorded Cena saying I quit on an earlier Raw, and used it in the microphone for the supposed win. Of course, Mike Chioda (the referee) finds this tape of Cena after declaring Miz the winner and orders the match to restart. Riley misses with a belt shot and hits Miz, then Cena lays out Riley. Next, he begins whipping Miz with his own belt and Miz tries to run away. He gets caught on top of the ramp, whipped a few more times, then gets put into the STF. Not even five seconds later, he is uttering the words I quit to Chioda. I am a fan of the classic cartoons featuring Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner, and I still think that this match was more absurd than any cartoon those two were ever in together. If you have seen those cartoons yourself, you know exactly what I am talking about.
To say I am angry would not do how I feel justice. I have been a professional wrestling fan for close to 30 years, and a writer for 10. I have seen numerous things in my day that have angered me - be it story line irregularities or just nonsensical booking (see David Arquette WCW Title win). I was recently reading the current issue of Figure Four Weekly, a publication put out by Bryan Alvarez located at:

In this issue Bryan tells a story about some of his wrestling matches and one of his trainers, Buddy Wayne. Now, when Bryan went to Buddy with a match layout that didn't make sense, Buddy would tell him, "Now why the fuck would you want to do that?" A simple directive that meant what he was proposing made no sense at all. The WWE has a full time staff of writers, many of the top stars in the business, and their own World Champion involved in creating this match, and, sadly, at no time during the preparation of this encounter did anyone say now why the fuck would you want to do that? People saw this and said it was good? I have a very hard time trying to believe that, but it must be true, because that is exactly what happened. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new lord and messiah, and his name is John Cena. It's sad that TNA as a company is so completely inept, because I have never seen a time where the WWE was in as vulnerable a position as they are now to face competition. If there was a professional wrestling company that knew what they were doing, WWE stock would drop faster than Enron's. This may be the worst period ever in the history of professional wrestling, and that does cover a lot of ground. But it may also be the truth when we look back historically at this period of time.
Michael Barton
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Impact Wrestling - Wrestling Matters?
I seriously have no desire to go into great detail, or a match by match analysis, because it isn't needed. There is a lot of talk about wrestling, wrestling matters, wrestling wrestling wrestling. But it is nothing more than talk. The show is still a clusterfuck of nonsense. There are some positives. They seem to be following certain storylines, like Angle-Jarrett etc. - but overall, if you don't change what the real problem is, and spend money and focus on bullshit that doesn't matter, it is still the same exact show. Why spend money to put billboards in Stamford, CT? Why spend money on changing the entire set? And why are they still trying to act like they are in competition with WWE, when they are so far below them? It's like taking a team from Class A minor league baseball and have them play the 1927 Yankees.
The problems, as well know, are behind the scenes. The powers that be, a famous Vince Russo WCW era line, are like cancer in this company. With the WWE running completely boring programming right now (minus an exception or two), there is an opening to make progress. But, when your company has cancer running the show, and you put a band aid on your forearm and act like that will sove the problem, you get nowhere and do nothing but waste more money.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
The Dilemma That is Chael Sonnen
The Dilemma That is Chael Sonnen
By Michael Barton
A little less than a year ago, Chael Sonnen became a household name through self promotion that took many who follow UFC by surprise. He told stories, made fun of Anderson Silva incessantly, but surprisingly, he backed up his smack talking at UFC 117, taking Silva and dominating him for four and a half rounds before he was caught in a submission and forced to tap out in round five. A star was born, but sadly, this was also the beginning of a truly bizarre series of events that leaves both UFC and Chael in an awkward situation going forward.
While all the buzz post fight was incredible, problems had surfaced well before Chael’s drug sample came back positive for higher than normal levels of testosterone. For those that may not know, Chael was also a real estate broker at one time, and he was involved as a suspect in a felony money laundering case. He eventually pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years probation and a 10,000 fine, as well as having his license revoked. Prior to his plea, Sonnen went before the California State Athletic Commission on December 2nd, 2010 to defend himself and explain the testosterone issue. The hearing itself lead to some very interesting reasons as to why his test was positive. Sonnen claims he suffers from hypogonadism, a condition which causes low testosterone production, and that he was under a doctor’s care and received shots twice a week to place his levels within normal range. Most have scoffed at this excuse, but this issue became secondary almost immediately after the hearing. For one, the commission itself came off as having no knowledge or idea about anything in regards to MMA, and they actually wound up reducing his suspension by six months. A short time later, another claim at the hearing by Sonnen (he claimed to have gotten clearance from Keith Kizer of the Nevada commission) was immediately refuted by Kizer himself. At first, nothing seemed to come of it, Sonnen cleared up his felony case by pleading guilty, and it looked as if Dana White was ready to have Chael and Michael Bisping (who is either loved or hated himself by the fans) be the coaches on the upcoming season of Ultimate Fighter, and it was likely that this show, based on the presence of Sonnen alone and his ability to self promote, would have likely done very good ratings. But the CSAC apparently has other plans.
It came out recently that Chael has been suspended indefinitely by the CSAC based on his testimony at the original hearing in December that has been refuted, as well as his conviction in his money laundering case. A hearing has been set for May 18th, where both sides will have one hour to present their cases before another vote is held about possible further punishment if it is found out that Sonnen lied to the commission. And although this suspension is only in the state of California, states usually have an unwritten agreement between them that if one state suspends someone, the others honor that suspension as well. This certainly puts the coaching position out of the realm of possibility, but this entire story also puts UFC in an interesting position as well.
On one hand, UFC is in the business of promoting fights and making money. Chael Sonnen has proven (through his sometimes outlandish bravado) that he has an uncanny ability to promote anything he happens to be involved in. As we can see from how quick Dana White, President of UFC, was ready to put Sonnen in the spotlight on Ultimate Fighter almost immediately after he resolved his legal issues, he sees what a lot of people see when you think of Chael – money. But Chael is facing an uncertain future, and there are still a number of issues revolving around him. It becomes an almost moral decision by UFC in a sense – here is a man who has the speaking ability of a great politician, but that ability has also put him in some serious trouble if the CSAC finds him guilty of lying to them. He appeared to be almost bulletproof to Dana after this first round, but as each day passes, his legacy is appearing to be more one of controversy than of one where he took one of UFC’s top fighters to the brink. For now, we can all only wait and see.
Contact me –
Friday, April 22, 2011
Vince McMahon is About To Go Down In Flames
by Michael Barton
Every gamble that Vince McMahon has taken within the pro wrestling business has - for the most part - been a successful venture. He has taken a business that was a regional business for decades and turned it into a global enterprise. He has escaped from the jaws of defeat time and time again, always coming out better on the other side. I often compare him to John Gotti, the former mob boss once known as the "Teflon Don" for his ability to stay out of prison. Unfortunately, Gotti was eventually put away for the rest of his life, and while I do not see McMahon ending up in that situation, I do see a man who could possibly wind up broke and his empire crumbling right before his eyes.
Only McMahon knows why he absolutely hates pro wrestling. He cannot stand it for some reason, although it is what has made him millions upon millions of dollars. There is a psychological issue here that we will likely never understand, but it is what drives him to do everything within his power to be as far away from professional wrestling as possible. There is language that his own company is not allowed to use under any circumstance, such as "wrestler" or "pro wrestling". And while many of us who closely follow this business find it comical, it is about to reach a critical stage where we could see the business change rapidly and become completely different in a very, very short period of time.
Vince McMahon is attempting to remove the term "wrestling" in any way, shape or form possible from his company. Somewhere in his mind he thinks that by doing this, he will be able to expand into other ventures that will increase his wealth and standing in the world. If the WWE were still a privately owned company that would be one thing, but this is a risk he is taking that has serious financial consequences. McMahon is planning on stepping out into the world outside of wrestling and acquiring other business ventures. He recently told the Los Angeles Times he wants to buy "...anything that is out there. We can take on a ton of debt." If we take a brief moment to look at the past, every time McMahon has tried something outside of wrestling, he has failed miserably. The most obvious case being the XFL, the renegade football league McMahon started that only lasted one season.
The following is an excerpt from the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter published 4/24/11 by Dave Meltzer
"McMahon’s financial failures outside of wrestling are almost as legendary as his financial successes within. Starting with the Evil Knievel snake river canyon jump, the biggest closed-circuit fiasco in history, which forced him into personal bankruptcy, failing as a music concert promoter, a boxing promoter, a movie producer the first time (Shane Productions), music companies (twice), an attempt to turn bodybuilding into a PPV entity, marketing bodybuilding supplements, a Times Square restaurant, his wife’s senate run and best known of all, a football league."
Vince is stating that he has learned from his past mistakes, and that he will only be purchasing entertainment companies. But every time he has stepped out of the wrestling business, he has failed miserably. And this time, he is putting a public company on the line, and some investors have already started to jump ship. The problem with being a publicly traded company is that, if you make the wrong move and it is big enough, you can lose everything almost overnight. The stock dividend has been overpaid for a number of years already, and it cannot last. To put it simply, the company is already paying out more than it is making, and if they suffer financial losses in taking on these new companies, the stock could easily plummet if enough stockholders get scared off by these new acquisitions. If that happens, the entire business could be ruined due to the stock falling, and Vince McMahon could be left completely broke.
Vince McMahon has never made it outside of the professional wrestling business. He has tried countless times, and he has failed each and every time he has tried, and in spectacular fashion. If this plan fails, it could mean the landscape of the professional wrestling business drastically changing once again, including Vince McMahon no longer being a part of the business that has made him who he is today.
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