Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pulling off the Seemingly Impossible

"Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because it's the best thing going today!"
- Ric Flair

One of my favorite quotes of all time, and it fits the topic I would like to discuss today. That topic is C.M. Punk - for one - who did more in five minutes with a microphone than John Cena has his whole career. But the credit has to really go to another man, that being Vince McMahon.

There was a lot of confusion a few weeks back when C.M. Punk - at the end of yet another very lackluster Monday Night Raw, ripped apart everything that most of us do on a weekly basis. He spoke the truth about many topics, including Vince having a number of yes men on the WWE payroll. Many (myself incliuded) thought it might have been a worked shoot that turned into a real one, and that is exactly what Vince wanted everyone to think. Cutting off the microphone and going to black was the perfect way to get the entire world talking about professional wrestling late Monday night, and it has since been an almost daily discussion on message boards across the internet. There are still those out there who think that it was real and that Vince is only now using it to his advantage. Don't be mistaken - this is an angle, and it is an intelligent one at that. And Vince is the one who made this happen.

Nothing takes place on any WWE show without approval from the creative team. They write the show, period. But - in this particular case - Vince clearly put this together. What is even more amazing is that, with all of the ways we gather information in this day and age, there are only a small handful of people who know what is going to happen Sunday at the Money in the Bank PPV - Vince, Punk, and Cena being the key three. No one is saying a word about what may or may not take place. The typical sources of information are people who work in the WWE, and these sources always have to be anonymous so as not to get fired from the company. This time, however, they have nothing to pass along, and you can bet your bottom dollar they have been asked. Again, you can connect that fact to Vince McMahon. Vince knows how the news filters to the newsletters, so he played this very close to the vest. And it has turned into the most talked about angle in some time.

Many columnists are solely praising C.M. Punk, and I don't want anyone to think that I feel he does not deserve it. In order to make this work, he had to come across as completely authentic, and he has. In doing so, he has become the hottest commodity in the business. But he said it best when he said he was just "a cog in the wheel." John Cena has also done a fantastic job here, to the point where many are questioning what happens next with him. There is a possibility he turns heel, although highly unlikely due to the dollars he generates through merchandise sales, but they could add a new dimension to his character and give him more of an edge. And while I have criticized Vince McMahon countless times over the past few years for dropping the ball on angles that could have turned into long term programs within the company, he has finally seen for himself that the fans want a little more than PG. The company is not heading back to the attitude era, but Raw has certainly become more of a PG-13 type product recently. And if you understand the business, at this time it is probably the best choice to generate the most money short term, without losing sponsorships or advertising dollars in the process.

Around 11 p.m. Sunday night, the wrestling community will be abuzz with what went down at the PPV. I know I will be watching intently, and when you can get an older fan who has seen it all such as myself eagerly anticipating a show, you have succeeded. So kudos to C.M. Punk, but also to John Cena and Vince McMahon. They have pulled something off here that many though impossible in today's world of social networking. As Jim Ross used to always say, "Business is about to pick up."


To contact me, I can be reached via email at or find me on twitter at

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why Every Wrestling Fan Should Be Watching Destination X This Evening

Why Every Wrestling Fan Should Be Watching Destination X This Evening
by Michael Barton

I will be doing a post show podcast located here if you are interested in listening to my thoughts after the show:

Tonight, wrestling is going to matter at TNA's Destination X PPV. The current card lineup looks like this -

Douglas Williams vs. TBA
This is an open challenge match, and it's always interesting when the opponent is a mystery. Who could it be? I am hoping it is someone new who will debut tonight, but we will have to wait and see. Williams is a very reliable worker, and will have a good match with whoever it may be.

Alex Shelley vs. Robbie E vs. Shannon Moore vs. Amazing Red
Ultimate X match to determine the number one contender for the X-Division Title.

Ultimate X always provides highlights no matter who is involved, and tonight we have four very capable performers who are certain to put on an amazing display. Give it enough time and it could be the a match that gets talked about.

Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion vs. Low Ki vs. Jack Evans
Winner gets a contract with Impact Wrestling

Okay, the only issue I have here is that, if TNA is smart about it, they will find a way to hire all four of these amazing and diverse competitors. This is going to be the match of the night. Again, give it enough time (and they usually do on PPV), and this has the potential to be a four star plus match. I am sure there will be a number of unique spots during this match.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn
For those that were not around during their feud, RVD and Jerry Lynn tore houses down across the country for ECW in the 1990's, and while most guys come out at Lynn's age and can't go like they used to, Lynn still has all of the attributes he did in the 1990's. This will be another good to great match.

Samoa Joe vs. Kazarian
Notice a pattern yet? Every match has the potential to be something special. TNA typically has a few throw away matches on PPV, but this one doesn't have any. Joe is on a serious losing streak, and this one could truly go either way.

Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles
I expect a heel turn by Daniels here in some form or fashion. Another high quality match and these two flow together very well in the ring.

Abyss vs. Bryan Kendrick
X-Division Title Match
This looks like it may not be very good, but I have gotten into the Kendrick looney character. And Abyss is a credible worker. This could be very good, or it could be average. Regardless, if this is the only match that is below the 3 star range, that's fine.

Look at the names involved here. Tonight is not a typical TNA PPV. Most matches have the potential to be 4 star range, and anyone who watches this show is certainly going to be entertained for three solid hours. You will see incredible in ring action here, and if they keep all of the nonsense and screwjobs out of this, this is the show people will be talking about all day Monday.

Take Care and God Bless,

Saturday, July 9, 2011

TNA Overall Thoughts

It took them a decade, but Impact Wrestling put on a fantastic show this past Thursday night. Were there issues? Always, but they are very minor. I also strongly suggest that you get Destination X PPV. This is going to be one to remember.

Kurt Angle is actually serious about this Olympic tryout. The minute he gets on the mat with an oppenent, he is finished. Plus, can he pass a wellness test? I am not saying he is doing anything, but his body at this age is suspect.

A lot of people are tiring of Joker Sting. I am not one of them however. They needed something to spark the main events. It certainly is a much better idea than anything in the last year.

The reason Jarrett is in Mexico is because of an agreement between AAA and TNA. Smart move as Jarrett is champion down there, and this cross promotion could lead to an eventual invasion angle, which would help both companies make a heck of a lot more money than they are now. Our wrestling in the states has production issues. Sadly, Mexico has issues with drug dealers shooting people at random, and people are scared to go anywhere, including a visit to a wrestling show. Mexico's fan numbers are down a few thousand, which is really significant considering the amount of money it takes to run a promotion without losing money.

Jeff Hardy - case continued. Unbelieveable.

Something happened with Matt Hardy, but so far it has been kept kayfabe by the boys. He wasn't even at the last set of TNA tapings. Maybe Spike saw the brothers moronic in the diner gone from reality. I actually like what he's done so far, he brought his working shoes with him, but he needs to get his head right, just like his brother.

Ken Anderson joins Immortal. Crickets can be heard. His promo abilities are amazing, but he's wooden in the ring.

That's all for now. Check me out at twitter: